Z's dad still has extended family in taiwan so we decided to visit them before it gets too hot and Z gets too mobile. I had read other moms' blogs on traveling with little ones, but everyone's experience varied. Some described it as a nightmare, with their arms about to fall off after holding the baby for 10+ hours straight; while others had a relatively easy time. All I could to was to pray that Z was nice to mommy!
Since Z's dad was only taking a week off, we decided it was best that I leave early with Z so that we could have a little more time there. Z's grandma worked it so that we could fly out with her. It made me feel alot better knowing that I'll have someone to look after Z (even for just a while) so I can at least go to the bathroom (without worries!) during the 11 hour flight.
Our flight departed at 1:30 am, way past Z's regular bedtime. Z seemed pretty excited about staying up and was happy at the airport. Even after we boarded she stayed up for awhile and played before she totally passed out! I put her in the bassinet in front of our seat and she stayed asleep there (while I played Super Mario!) until we came across a little turbulance and the stewardess insisted that I took her out and held her on my lap. Z stayed on my lap for the rest of the trip and was awake a few times. It was an uncomfortable position for her because the arm rests couldn't be lifted so her head and her feet were pushing against them. Nevertheless we both managed to squeeze in a few hours of rest. During her waking hours we took walks up and down the aisles. The stewardess in our area really took a liking to Z. She also has two small kids of her own and we spent alot of time having baby talks.
Well, before we knew it we were be served breakfast and counting down to the last hour of flight time! I was so proud of Z for being so good!