Thursday, September 24, 2009

1 year 0 months

Z was playing in our room while I was going in and out of the room putting stuff away. Z got up and walked up to me and said " Bao Bao (hold me!) " I happily obliged.


Z sitting in mommy's lap, looking up and gave a big kiss! I was pleasantly surprised and asked for another one. So Z kissed me again! Followed with a hug~


Z learned to pucker up!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Z's first birthday weekend Part 1

Z's first bday was on Friday, so Z's dad and I planned a bday weekend to celebrate with the family. For her actual bday, Z hung out with mommy at home and went to dinner at CPK.

Mommy got a birthday hat for Z, but evidently she didn't like it

The Horror!

Finally! but that's no happy bday face

Z asked her best friend to step up and wear the hat...hahah that's no happy bday face either CoCo!