Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sad Day

CoCo came home from her surgery around lunchtime today. She had developed some hard lumps in her boobs and the vet suggested taking those out for a biopsy, and while she's at it, getting her spayed as well. CoCo seemed ok when I picked her up but a little mellow. Probably from the drugs they gave her. The vet had told me on the phone that they put in drain tubes in her incisions to let the fluids drain in the next few days, and to put a T- shirt on her to kinda soak up the juice (eww!) So now she's sound asleep under the office desk ( after taking her med) in a gray t-shirt and the e collar. She did scare me though when I put some bread in her face and she didn't wake up (!!) Hopefully she'll be back to her old self soon.
In the afternoon, dad was asking me about the sprinklers. Yesterday when it went off the chickens were on the grass so they got a shower. I told him that the sprinklers go off around 6ish every evening. He thought about it then he went out to move the chickens. I didn't think much of it. A min later he came in and said that one of the chicken had died (!!) Why?? How?? I rushed outside but only saw a chicken in the dog cage, looking normal. Where's the other one?? I went in the house to see that dad had the other chicken in hand and scolding the dogs. It did not look good. Her eyes were closed and her body looked limp. It turned out that dogs went out to the yard with dad to go potty, and when dad picked up the dog cage one of the chickens fell out of the bottom. As soon as she was out the dogs were after her. The rest just happened too fast dad didn't even have time to react.......:0(
Rest in peace Gemma...We'll miss you. I know you're in chicken heaven. Thanks for being such a good chicken when you were with us. I'm sorry the doggies hurt you.
Now we're a little worried about Maddie, hopefully she'll be alright by herself. Or maybe we need to get her another companion since she's never been alone sad :0(

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