Friday, September 10, 2010

Toronto Trip 08/2010

We went on a last minute trip to Toronto the week before Z's 2nd birthday.  I was pretty excited about going since I've always wanted to visit Canada.  This would also be Z's last free trip as a "lap infant."


..Boo! at Toronto airport

Getting a ride to our rental car.

After breakfast & a much needed nap, we visited Riverdale Farm @ downtown Toronto.

Nice day at the farm

Visiting the chickens

Very picturesque.

Z loves saying hi to bees.

On Tuesdays, there's a farmer's market at the farm.  We bought some organic blueberries, nectarines & grapes.  They weren't the sweetest, but very flavorful.  The strawberry ice cream was delish!

Z met a new friend at the park.  Her name is Wednesday.

The two new friends playing ball together.

My blueberry baby.

The next day was rainy, so we had a leisurely lunch at Graceful Vegetarian restaurant @ Markham.  The portion was huge and everything was yummy!  Z and I stuffed ourselves.

For dinner we went to the EX (yay! fair!)

synchronized eating dual

Chilling with daddy after visiting the farm animals

My favorite fair food here.

The waffle was hot and crunchy with cold and creamy ice cream...yum!

Breakfast courtesy of daddy. Thank you!!!

Savored this quiet moment with Timbits.

Niagara falls!  So hot.

suited up and ready to see the falls up close.

 The American side.

The Canadian side.

All wet.

on the last day we went to the Riverfront pier.  It was such as nice day and we really wanted to take the ferry to the islands.  Too bad we were short on time.  Nevertheless Z had a great time running up and down the pier and waving at people leaving on a boat.  they all smiled and waved back at her :0)  I don't know why but it makes me happy to see my little girl making other people smile, maybe it's because on some level they see what I know all along-she'super! 

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