Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I'm Chinese!

As Z approached the 3 1/2 year mark, I noticed she became aware of race and language.   She sometimes would ask if what I just said is Chinese or Spanish.  And whether so-and-so we know is Chinese or Spanish.

I read an article in News Week tonight about family that move to Asia and hire Asian nannies, all so that their kids can learn to speak Chinese.  I'm fluenent in Chinese, yet Z and I speak in English.  Don't know when it all changed but when she was little I spoke mostly Chinese to her.  Maybe since she started school she picked up on more English??  Anyways I'm always a firm believer in that language is a gift, so....starting this week I Will make an conscious effort to speak to her in Chinese.  A few of my Chinese friends who were born and raised in the US all told me their parents used to pretend they didn't understand and therefore couldn't respond to the kids' request ( or anything else,  but mostly request for food) in English.  The kids were pretty much ignored until they tried to ask in Chinese.  And my friends all said that's why they speak Chinese well today,  cuz their parents forced them to!!

Let's hope little drama queen takes being ingnored well (not!!)

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