Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A very busy weekend 04/14-15 2012

To think just a week ago the temperature was in the 50's, it was kinda amazing how beautiful the weather has been in the last few days.  Of course we took full advantage of this not too hot, not too cold weekend to  , what else? Going to fairs and amusement parks!

So Saturday we head out to the annual youth fair at the fair ground.  It felt like yesterday when I took Z with our playgroup to the same fair last year.  Too bad I forgot my phone AND a camera so there's no picture.  I will always have the mental pictures in my head of Z riding the pony eating waffles with ice cream getting a kiss from a sheep watching newborn piggies making paper hats walking thru the garden learning the names of veggie and fruit plants making music dream catcher visor girl scout flag....


Our Sunday began with church.  The church still had decorations up from Easter so Z naturally wanted a picture with the pretty butterflies.

Strike a pose~

 Lunch in the car while on our way to Legoland. Yup I love Legoland (for Z) and determined to get my money's worth.

Told her to smile

Instead I got this.  Z loves to make silly faces lately when getting her pictures taken.

One of her favorite ride.  AND first time on the ride BY HERSELF.  At first she was hesitant until she saw a few boys riding by themselves. 

So much fun!!!

Our other love at Legoland: Apple fries with caramel cream sauce!!  Z completed melted down once when we were sharing one, since then we always get our own.  One for Mommy, one for Z.  No more fighting!

On this day there were a small group of Star War characters hanging around the Star War lego scenes.  There was also a band playing music from the movie.  Z didn't know who Princess Leia was but as soon as we told her she is a "princess", Z became very interested.  After we took this picture Z asked  why this princess didn't wear a pretty dress.....

Driving a boat...Z was #7

Successfully docked at the port! 

Z heard music from NYC and started dancing.  

Z doing homework under DV's (yeah, we are that tight) supervision

Time to drive!  Love that there was no wait

Z surprisingly was a great driver.  She was the only one completing 3 laps while all other vehicles were tangled amongst themselves or ramming repeatedly in into the sidewalk.

while we waited for the last ride Z made me a castle.  I have to constantly remind myself to soak up the moments when all the creative outlets are dedicated to me.  

The nearby flower field is officially open and spring is officially here.

For dinner, we had fresh seafood at Pelly's Fish Market.  This is a BYOB place and the staff are super helpful and friendly.  Love the calamari in the picture. 

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