Z's morning ritual: saying hello to her bunny friends...Where's your shoe little girl?
We had originally planned to go see baby otters at Monterey aquarium, but the weather didn't look so good so we opted to go the nearby Marin County and visited the Bay Area Discovery Museum...but first thing first we had to have some grub!
We had lunch at a fancy schmancy restaurant right on the water...soon after we got seated the rain and the wind blew in...
...but that didn't stop Z from chowing down ( and making a huge mess)
The Bay Area Discovery Museum was a last minute thing but it turned out to be a perfect place for toddlers like Z. The museum is housed in the a compound of historical buildings and designed for exploration with the local background.
Z started playing the minute she stepped in the building, beginning with the museum store...
She played the xylophone...
Walked thru tunnels...
climbed up & down in the jungle gym...
Mommy did too..boy was I tired!
She rested for a minute...
Then she became a toll collector..($1.5 toll...back in 1985 maybe)
a underwater explorer..
Also a field scientist..
She even put on a chipmunk suit to collect acorns in the redwood forest.
Z also did a little craft
Downtown Sausalito looking out to San Francisco
In the afternoon the cloud started to clear out so we decided to hang around town a little longer.
Z chilling on the street of Sausalito
On the way home auntie wanted to show us her favorite beach...
Look at the view.....
Tonight we had sushi (down the street from auntie's house-lucky girl!) The food was good and the people were really friendly-they accommodated Z's needs and were all smiles!
Z approved!