Chairwoman Z had a busy day multitasking at work
*I left her in the room at bedtime one night before she was asleep. She realized I had left the room and started to cry. At home she would just open the door and come out, but Grandma's house has the round door knob she doesn't know how to open yet. She knocked the door a little bit and the next thing I saw was this little hand reaching out from underneath the door...

like this....when I saw the little hand I wanted to laugh and open the door to hug her! but I didn't cuz Mommy needed rest too.
*Tonight on the way back to our car after picking up dinner, Z was cranky cuz she was a little tired and hungry. To distract her I shuffled my feet and hopped. Z laughted and try to shuffled her feet. Then I kicked my feet while I took a big step. Z laughted some more and kicked her little foot high and....we played all the way back to the car, with only laughters and no tears!
*Her signature dance move is twirling. She spins around and around til she literally falls down. and she will dance with and without music.
*She knows how to use the spoon really well now. Last night she spoonfed herself grapes and we were amazed to see none of them fell!
*When she sees smoke coming from our food, she blows on them because she thinks it's hot. She will do this to both hot food and really cold food.
This week we are spending some time at Grandma's. Z's cousins from out of state are staying til the end of February and I wanted Z to spend more time with them. It's so fun to watch them fight over toys all day long and yet want to do everything together. We still haven't decided if we are going to have another baby so I guess this is the next best thing I can offer her.
check out the girls working on their fitness (I think!)
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