Sunday, February 21, 2010

Z's 17 months development

Z's pointing at her cheeks because this is how kids on her favorite Japanese program show happiness!

Z can ask to be breastfed now. She pulls down my shirt and points at them and says "nay nay (milk in chinese.)"
2/11: Z and I went to Babiesrus....we walked down the toy aisle and she saw Elmo and got very excited! Z was given a talking Elmo on her first Christmas. So she ran towards the doll and said " Momo!! Momo!!"
2/12: We saw Lilo, the neighbor's cat, when we came home from the park today. Z was happy to see the friendly kitty and said "Meeeo meeeo."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

RIP Madison Elisabeth (pre-easter 2009-02/17/2010)

We're all going to miss you very much Maddy. You were a friendly and smart chicken. Thank you for all the eggs you laid for us. You were a part of our family and mommy wished she could've saved you. Rest in peace sweetie.